
We are Across Indiana

The Indiana Filmmakers network has established multiple hubs throughout the state of Indiana, offering free and open meetings to the public. These gatherings serve as dynamic forums for filmmakers and creatives from all walks of life. Programs at our regional hubs provide invaluable opportunities to connect with peers, enhance skills, and delve into the art and technique of filmmaking. Meetings typically feature discussions, workshops, and talks led by industry professionals, often complemented by special events and unique experiences. We are committed to fostering a supportive community dedicated to advancing the craft and collaboration within Indiana’s vibrant filmmaking scene.

Hub Meeting Days

Click on the name of the city for more detailed information.

Second Mondays Monthly
Second Tuesdays Monthly
Second Thursdays Monthly
Third Monday Monthly
Third Tuesday Monthly
Third Thursday Monthly
FourthThursday Monthly
Last Tuesday Monthly


Meeting Day

Every second Monday of the month.


Monroe County Public Library


Meeting Day

Every second Tuesday of the month.

Hub Leaders

  • Samuel Dumas (Hub Lead, State Rep.)
  • David Schlatter (Hub Support)

Meeting Day

Every second Thursday of the month, 7p-9p.

Hub Leaders

  • Juan Andrade (Sr. Hub Leader)
  • Martin Zuniga (Jr. Hub Leader)
  • Eve Gomez (Hub Support)


Meeting Day

Every second Monday of each month.

Hub Leaders

Karl Rosenow (Hub Leader, State Rep.)


Meeting Day

Every third Tuesday of each month, 6:30-9pm.

Meeting Location

Blackstrap Studios – 420 E Maryland St.

Hub Leaders

  • Matthew Ulm (Hub Lead – State Rep.)
  • Josh Weiland (Hub Support.)
  • Chelsea Casanova (Hub Support)

Mailing List Sign-Up

Click Here


Meeting Day

Every third Thursday of each month, 6:30-9pm.

Meeting Location

The Arts Federation – 638 North St.

Hub Leaders

  • Nathan Bechtold (Hub Lead, State Rep.)
  • Aaron Ticen (Hub Hupport)
  • Darrell Hunt (Hub Support)

Meeting Day

Every fourth Thursday of the month.

Hub Leaders

Allan Smithee (Hub Hupport)


Meeting Day

Every last Tuesday of each month, 6:30-9pm.

Meeting Location

The Box Media Production Space – 1413 E Riverside Dr.

Hub Leaders

Paul Nethercott (Hub Lead)

Meeting Day

None Scheduled

Hub Leaders

Leadership Unassigned – If you are interested in leading this hub contact Nathan Bechtold at


Meeting Day

None Scheduled

Hub Leaders

Leadership Unassigned – If you are interested in leading this hub contact Nathan Bechtold at


Meeting Day

None Scheduled

Hub Leaders

Leadership Unassigned – If you are interested in leading this hub contact Nathan Bechtold at
